Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Great Prima Freakout!

One day, a couple weeks back, I took Prima out for a ride. It was one of our practice rides for a Western Pony Club rating that weekend. I was expecting Prima to be the little angel that she always was. We did some walk/jog work in the main arena but it soon got much to crowded, so I moved down to the dressage arena. 

Prima was very restless and was quicker than normal. I did circles, lots of transitions and talked to her to try and keep her attention. She continued to do little spooks along the long side. Then we got to the far corner of the arena and she blew up. She was backing up furiously and rearing up. She was prancing and not listening to my aids. I tried to keep her attention but it wasn't working. She kept trying to bolt off and I was getting worried. I decided to get off, then put her in an arena to get all of her energy out. 

You can see the rest:

It was out of the ordinary but all horses have their moments! We were ok afterwards and I finally got her to the vista. I turned her out and she was a complete nutcase!!  


  1. D: Well at least you're ok! And i think you learned something about prima.... :P

  2. Well I was supposed to turn her out in an arena before riding and I did not that day so I kinda had it coming. The one time that I fell off of her was a day when I didn't turn her out. I knew this all along but I was just too lazy :o

    1. Oh. Well now you might remember to turn her out :p so excited for Saturday! I can't believe it's already been a week....

  3. Wow! How long did she do that? It looks like she was pretty hard to handle!
